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Followup- Pregnancy Symptoms

21 14:28:32

My pig has a big dot in the middle of his Y shape, but nothing extended when I pressed above it. He also seems to have a small white plug at the bottom of the Y-slit but no 2 small dots one on each side at the top of the Y's base so I'm a bit confused.

I brush his fur fairly often, and bathe him once a week with a small animal shampoo. Is that sufficient enough?

Thank you for your time.


Followup To

Question -
Hi, I'm a new guinea pig owner- I recently got a guinea pig on the 3rd August, and was told it was a male. However, he recently has become a bit pudgy, not round at the sides but he does have a slight tummy. I'm worried that he might be a she, and I wonder what are the usual pregnancy symptoms should he really be a she.

I also found dandruff-y flakes under his coat. Any advice?


Answer -
First pick up the pig with its stomach facing you, if it is a boy you will see a Y shape with a big dot in the middle, if you press obove the dot it will extend outward. With a female you will see a Y shape with a slit in the middle, the slit will not extend when pressed obove it, but you will see a small white plug at the bottom of the slit and 2 small dots one on each side at the top of the Y's base. If a guinea pig is pregnant it will usually drink and eat more and urinate more often, other than that the stomach will grow. 4 weeks before the babies are due they will start to move in her belly. If you look at him/her and find out that it is a female and you bought her from a pet store that doesn't separate their males and females then she most likely is pregnant. Let me know if you find out that she is a girl and I can give you more information about guinea pig pregnancy. With the dandruff you might want to give her a bath, the best thing to use would be regular human pert plus or head and shoulders, but you can also use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner made for humans on her, just use warm water and make sure all of the shampoo is rinsed out. A lot of guinea pigs get skin irritation from the bedding used and without a bath it builds up dander, with a bath once a month or once every other month he/she should be fine.

It is most likely a girl then, especially if the pig is older than 3 weeks, because after that time the penis extends easily when pushed, also the white plug is for when a female is in heat, when in heat it dissolves and when they are not in heat it says there. I could send you pictures if you'd like so you can compare your guinea pig to them. My direct email is . Brushing him often is always good, you might want to only bathe him once a month though, if pigs get bathed too often it takes out all of the natural oils in their skin and can make the skin dry and flakey. You can use every week though a human leave in conditioner spray, this will make his hair smell better and make it shiny.