Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My guinea pig just died and i dont know what to do with my other one

My guinea pig just died and i dont know what to do with my other one

21 14:29:48

Hey laura,

I've had two boy guinea pigs for almost 3 years and they are from the same litter and everything. I just found out that one of them died while i was on vacation and i'm very worried as to what my other one will do without his companion. I have a very busy schedule and dont have a lot of time to really focus on Coco, so would it be best to find him a new companion or do my best to pay as much attention to him as i can? please help!!!! thanks

Hi Rachel,

I'm very sorry to hear your piggie died. It's always so sad when you lose a beloved friend, whether human or animal.

Coco would be much happier with a new buddy. He will grieve the loss of his friend for a while, maybe becoming a little depressed, lethargic, perhaps even restless or overactive. A new buddy will help him deal with his loss much better and his grieving shouldn't last too long if he has someone new to focus on befriending.

Look around at shelters and rescues in your area. and are good if you are in the US; is a great one if you are in UK.
Adopting is much, much better than purchasing from pet stores or breeders for dozens of reasons, among them being the fact that you not only save your new guineas' life but you are saving hundreds more lives, simply by opening up space in the rescue/shelter for more abandoned, unwanted, neglected guinea pigs to be nursed back to health and adopted out.

Best Wishes,

- Laura