Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My g-pig jsut had 3 kids and i am not sure what to do

My g-pig jsut had 3 kids and i am not sure what to do

21 13:47:24

Well petco said they gave me two males but one happen to be female and I am sure the other pig got her pregnant. she had a healthy litter of 3 and they are all very much alive so that is good, but I don't have enough room for 5 pigs. will petco take some back on the grounds that its their fault these pigs exist now? (mixing up the gender) and will the adult male who got the female pregnant accept the kids? we had to put him a a different cage (next to the one the other pigs are in)

he will accept them while they are young but if he is too close to the females then he will never accept the male babies once they grow up, ut if he is kept out of scent range of the females then the male babies could live with him. As for the pet shop it is a bit of a grey area, and it depends when you got the guinea pigs, if you go in angry with all guns blazing then they might, but not being the owner or manager of the pet shop I cannot say for certain, by all rights they should as it is digusting.

best of luck