Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Is it bad for a GP to bite and knor at stuff so much?

Is it bad for a GP to bite and knor at stuff so much?

21 14:23:00

Hey Kat,

Thanks for your help with my other question, now I have another one.  My GP Eddie is very very playful and we can play for ages at a time before he gets bored. He is very active and healthy and loves cuddles and attension.  Recently he has been biting anything he can! He doesnt bite me but anything wooden he will bite and bite at it for ages.  I hope this isnt a bad thing - I try to stop him when he starts but he doesnt stop! I hope he is just biting to grind down his teeth or something? He also bites towels as well.  I have always give him enough food, grass and hay etc.  Should I get him a woden toy for his cage? I'm not too concerned its just that I dont like him biting my skirting boards around the house! I never let him get near electrical cords as he will bite them too. Generally when I catch him biting I pick him up and tell him No! then put him in his cage for a while, but he bites very loudly in there too! I hope its not bad for him to be biting and knoring at everything so much all the time? Is it normal? Sometimes I think he just wants more attension. He is still very young (5-6 months). It makes me wonder if he would be a agressive to another baby GP male if I were to get one. I hope you can help : ) thanks.

Hello Sarah,

Guinea Pigs are rodents so chewing is their job. A pet safe wooden chew toy in his cage is a great idea. I would try to avoid letting him chew things that aren't made for chewing (like your furniture). The finish on most woods made for human use, is toxic to chewing piggies. Chewing on things isn't a sign of aggression so it's really no indicator of how he'll act with a pup. Chewing is just something very natural and healthy for rodents to do.
