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petting and loving

21 14:47:22

i was just wondering if it was normal for guinea pigs to get upset when you pet there backs or hips, (hind end). we can pet and love on them all day long as long as we leave the back and hind end alone. they love the tops of there heads and there chins scratched and loved on, just nowhere else. i was just curious about this...
thank you for your time

HI jannie

Guinea pigs can be very shy at first and really as a rule they take a while (possibly up to a year or more) to get comfortable with you and trusting of you.  the more time you spend with them the better.

I have found that usually guinea pigs arent too bothered about being pet, unlike cats and dogs, but just some gentle full body stroking seems ok... but they arnt really that kind of animal to be honest!

Hollie x