Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > guinea pig seems sad and makes no noise

guinea pig seems sad and makes no noise

21 14:08:45

hi there got our fist guinea pig about 3 weeks ago and he seems very nervous which i expected.  He makes no noise at all except a rumbling noise when you stroke him in cage, but no noise when he is lifted out for a cuddle.  No noise for when he is hungry either,and he also makes the same rumbly noise when he goes into his little house, I worry myself incase he is miserable.  I have been listening to the noises online and it is exactly the same as the keep away noise/ angry.  Is he just still getting used to his surroundings and will he perk up eventually. Feel awful incase he is not happy with us.  any suggestions for us to make him happier.  thanks ever so much  claire xx

Hi Claire

The angry noise you describe is only that if it is towards another pig.

The problem is that he might be lonely. Pigs tend to like to be with other pigs so have you considered getting him a friend? A baby male should cause no problems.
