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Swollen and disfigured Male Genitals

21 14:23:55

Hiya, I'm really worried about one of my male GP's, While clearing out their cage today I noticed that Damien wasn't particularly happy about being picked up.  I usually give them the once over when I clean them out anyway...well, I noticed Damien's Genitals are red, swollen and disfigured.  I've not been aware of any eating problems or unusual sounds when he urinates, but the area looks really angry and painful.  I will take him to the vet tomorrow, but in the meantime....any idea what this could be?  Your advice would be greatly appreciated.  

He most likely has either something stuck in the testicles, or the sheath could possibly be cutting off circulation. There is not much you can do unless you can easiy see and indentify the area where the problem is wrong. He could also possibly have a cyst developed on his testicle or elsewhere also. Since he does not seem to be crying when he pees, stones are unlikely, but they can be common in boars. Let meknow if you have any more questions.