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medical problem

21 14:22:53

my guinea pig  has been sneezing  and barly eats i half to hand feed her .  her eyes have been closed with goop yesterday morning and we put paroxide and mostly water to open it up so PLEASE JUST GIVE ME SOME ADVICE I AM IN HELP ME GUINEA PIG IS IN NEED

Hi Erika,

    Unfortunately, what you are describing sounds like advanced upper respiratory infection (URI).  Symptoms of URI include labored breathing, lethargy, loss of appetite, and excessive discharge from the eye.  If not treated immediately, URI is usually fatal.  Although I am not sure how much you can do for her at this point, try taking her to a veterinarian who is experienced in the area of guinea pigs.  He or she should check for fluid in the lungs, check the heart, and perform any necessary cultures for diagnosis and prescription of appropriate antibiotics.

    If you are currently using pine or cedar bedding, I suggest that you switch to aspen.  The aromatic oils added to pine and cedar chips can cause URI in guinea pigs, as can placing the cage by doors or windows (doors and windows cause drafts that can harm your guinea pig).  Sometimes, as a guinea pig ages, the decreasing efficiency of her immune system will make her more susceptible to URI, which I feel is one of the leading causes of guinea pig deaths, as well as one of the most misdiagnosed by inexperienced vets.

    Thank you for your question, I hope I have been of some help to you.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Good luck with your guinea pig.

                                               - Nicole