Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > irratated foot

irratated foot

21 14:14:57

Hi, I noticed this evening that my guinea pig has a very red foot and hind leg. he has no hair on that leg yet his other foot does have hair. I am very concerned first and foremost for his health but I have no idea how costly a vet is. Could you please tell me what this sounds like and the typical cost range to take him to a pet store with a vet? Thank you so much!


It sounds like he may have an infected and irritated foot so you'll need to see the vet to make sure and get treatment for it. The visit to the vet will be about $40 to 60 dollars (Just an estimate, it could be less or more but not much more). The treatment will coast about $15 to $20 dollars for the treatment. Again that is just an estimate and each vet changes different amounts and it is never same from vet to vet but what I have named is an average estimate, you can call and ask how much the visit will be, they won't be able to tell you how much the medicine is as they won't know what the medicine will be until they have seen your Guinea Pig.

I hope this helps,
 Take care,