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Guinea pig exercise balls

21 14:45:57

Dear Samannt,

I was wondering if you recommend the use of plastic exercise balls for guinea pigs? Such as those made by Super Pet, or the Kritter Krawlers by Lees?

I have generally heard that they're okay for guinea pigs to use, but on the Pet Smart website they said guinea pigs shouldn't be using them! Do your pigs have any experience of them? And are they safe?

I know guinea pigs cannot use exercise wheels like mice can, so I thought an exercise ball might be a good idea so my pig can lose some weight.

I have been feeding her less and making her run around some more, but she could be a little smaller. I also feed her cabbage, because this can reduce her weight, correct?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

From Alison.

No , no cabbage lol.... seriouc cabage can kill them. I had an exersize ball and the guinea pigs hated it so I never used it. Try putting her on the floor and cutting back on treats. If you have another guinea pig that maby will help her to become more active
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