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Is my Guinea pig ready to deliver

21 14:38:03

Hi I have a guninea pig whom I am sure is pregnant. I can feel her babies moving and kicking. I haven't taken her to a vet but, I am pretty sure that it is babies I am feeling. We were told we were  buying two males but, now know different. My question is they always stayed together in the igloo but, just within the last few hrs I have noticed the male either doesn't want to go in there or she won't let him does this mean she is about to deliver? I put his other little wood hut in for him and he isn't going in that either he seems to be just kind of pacing and chattering. I feel bad for him. Is this normal behavior or is it something I should be worried about they aren't fighting at all. I have an appointment to get the male neutered next week.

Thanks Corinne

Hi Corinne.  It could be.  I've never used igloos much but hormone levels will be skyrocketing during her pregnancy putting her in differend "moods."  I would remove all hiding spots because when she delivers she'll need space for the babies to be born.  You don't want them born in the igloo, she might accidently squish them.  You also want to see the babies being born if you are up.  It sounds like normal behavior to me and start expecting babies soon!  About a month from when you felt them kicking should be the delivery date.