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guinea pigs white stuff

21 14:25:29

my 2 guinea pigs are making a lust sound but they are both guys well that is what i think and one of my guinea pigs just pead or threw up white stuff and i have no clue what it means. does that mean that it is pregnent?  

Hi Abby,

  First let me tell you that it may sometimes be difficult to determine the sex of a guinea pig, and that regurgitating white stuff is not a sign of pregnancy.

  However, guinea pig urine is usually creamy white, and I'm sure you have nothing to worry about (=

  When you refer to a lust sound, what exactly do you mean?  Before a mating between a boar and sow (male and female piggies),the sound usually heard is a purring type noise - but, an extremely similar sound is made before two males are about to fight for dominance.

  Dominance issues are very extreme between male guinea pigs, for in the while there is usually only an alpha male and a couple others, if any.  If your guinea pigs begin to fight, for their safety I suggest separating the two.

   Thank you for your question, I hope I was of help to you.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Good luck with your guinea pigs (=

                                              - Nicole