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newborn not walking

21 13:47:32

I purchased a 2 month old Sheba and two months later... only realised last night that she was heavily pregnant! This morning I found her with her beautiful tri-sheba newborn! so cute but the newborn is still not walking. The newborn is breathing and i have seen it twitch its feet but it is laying on its side and has not got up to walk around at all. I am worried. It got pregnant to its brother at 4-5 weeks of age. Please tell me it will be ok!!! what can i do to help it?

I wish I could tell you that the baby will be fine but there's obviously something very wrong. It has nothing to do with the mother being bred by her brother. Neither has it anything to do with the mom being so young. It's just one of those things that happens for reasons we never know.

The death rate and stillborn rate in cavies is higher than in other animals. It's an unexplainable event that we don't know how to predict or prevent. A healthy baby is running around within  20 minutes after birth. If this little guy is on his side he is most probably not going to survive. He may have aspirated amniotic fluid during delivery. They don't survive that kind of thing.

I wish I had better news for you. I know this is painful to watch the babies struggle to breathe, and then to lose the fight. My heart goes out to you. I've been through this many times and it never gets any easier.