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itchy guinea pig

21 14:09:48

I have a question concerning my guinea pig. She is about 4 months old now and she seems very itchy all of a sudden. I have thought this to be mites, but overall her appearance of her skin is fine. She has no sores, no obvious hair loss, and her fur looks healthy. Also, i have read that guinea pigs can only get mites from other infected guinea pigs. I bought her from a pet store (petsmart) 3 months ago and she never had this itchy skin problem. She hasn't been in contact with other guinea pigs since. Although the guinea pigs at the pet store are supposed to be in good health (as indicated) it is possible that some of them had mites, but how could my guinea pig have mites if she is only showing signs of itching now? She has only started doing this about 2 weeks ago. Is it possible for them to get mites elsewhere? I'm very confused about this issue and I want to gain some more insight on what she might be itchy from before i take her to a vet because I am only student and can't afford to go unless necessary. She is vibrant and healthy otherwise. Thanks for the help!

Hi Jennifer

It has been known for mites to be present in the dust contained in bags of hay.

Also, a pig can carry mites for several years without it affected them so this aspect isnt a surprise either.

Mites typically comes with scurfing of the skin and dandruff. It also comes with sores if left untreated, so mites might not be the problem.

You could give her a bath first in small animal antibacterial shampoo and see if that helps.
