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Scared Pig

21 14:43:36

Hi there,

My sweetie and I got a 'used' one year old male GP a few days ago and while it is very sweet, it is very frightened and extremely skitterish.

I don't know much about pigs, but I know some about animals and it seems like the poor fellow was never socialized.

My sweetie has had several, but has never seen anything like this. You can pick him up (although it takes a long time) and when you get him in your lap he will stay for a moment and then run away.

We've been feeding him lots of fresh veggies and hay and he is eating well. We have spent many hours sitting on the floor with him, not moving too much, extending our hand with food, etc. He's interested for about 5 minutes and then goes back in to "hiding."

Although we've not had him long, I'm beginning to think that he's never going to warm up to us or trust us.

Any advice you can give would be great.

Thanks, Kris

Hello Kris and thanks for the question,

First of all, you are doing things exactly right. You need to reassure the GP that you are not going to hurt him and he will trust you more in time. Geting him a companion GP may also help him trust you (if you can socialize the other GP to trust you). An older GP that has been ignored or mistreated may never fully warm up to humans. You have to be patient with him and give him the chance to run and hide to feel "safe". Also, handling a young GP from birth REALLY helps make a human loving GP in his later years.

In short,I would take the affection and trust he will afford you and let him have his space. Rewarding his affection and "lap tolerance" with treats will also help out.

Thanks and good luck,
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