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Guinnea Pig

21 13:50:08

I recently was given a guinnea pig from someone who could not care for it (one of my many faults, thats why I have many animals I love) she was in bad shape, i got her weight up, clipped her nails and unfortunatly whoever had her did not know to cut them. But the problem is she has now developed scabs that she itches. when i first got her, she just had a pink spot now this. what could this be? How can i help her, i will take her to a vet if i really have to, but just laid off and food alone is expensive. Any suggestions?

Scabs that itch are most likely to be Mange and the Guinea Pig must get treatment from the vet. There is no home remedy for this nasty mite. It must be attacked from under the skin to eradicate the whole cycle
Not only is this itchy but if left can cause the Guinea Pig to fit being in pain from the wounds caused by the burrowing mite and the constant itching and scratching.
If left it can cause death.