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bald patch

21 13:47:10

Our piggie,Hopkirk, has a couple of bald patches. They're quite big,one on his right side and the other on the left just above his front leg. They don't seem to bother him, we haven't seen him scratching or biting but some of the fur around the patches does look nibbled. It isn't flaky or scaly just his skin!! His behavior hasn't changed and he still eats and drinks as normal. Don't really know if we should treat him for anything or if it's just a piggie thing!! Thanks,Susan.

This is a difficult one.  Fungal infections usually have flaky skin. Parasites are typically show their first signs on the back with the telltale 'v' chewed by the pig as they migrate on top of the pig where they are less likely to be chewed off. The pig can only reach just so far, but not on the very top of their spine, so they chew a line on each side

Although this could be plain every day alopecia, I think we should try a couple of things first. The first thing I recommend is a Pyrethrin dip that is made for fleas and lice, but also works on mites. Even though this isn't the typical mite appearance it's not going to hurt the pig to be treated anyway.

You should be able to get this dip at any pet store. The Pyrethrins and Premethrins are far safer than the old fashioned poisons that we used to use for these things. Just mix according to the instructions. You can use a small bathroom sink or a small shoebox six plastic box.  You need to have the solution about two or three inches deep.  

Put Hopkirk (I love the name) in the solution and using a small cup pour it over him until he's soaking wet. Be careful not to get it in his eyes or ears. When he's thoroughly soaked take him out and let him drip dry on a towel. Do not use a hairdryer or try to towel dry him. It's important that he drips dry.  That leaves the solution on long enough to really do it's magic.

If this was a parasite problem he should start getting new hair on those bald spots in about two weeks.  If that doesn't work then you can decide if you want to take him to a vet. They may want to do a skin scraping to see if it is fungal in nature.  But from your description I really don't think so.

Give this a try and please let me know what the outcome is.  Good luck to you and Hopkirk!