Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > what do mites look like?

what do mites look like?

21 14:34:53

i was wondering what mites or lice looks like on a guinea pig. and maybe some things to look for in finding them on my guinea pig because im not sure if she has them or not. i saw very tiny black things on my baby white guinea pig and i wasn't quite sure what they were.

can u help me please!
thanx so much!

Hi Becky,

I recognise this as a duplicate question but as it is slightly different to your other one I will answer it.

Mites are microscopic creatures which cannot be seen by the naked eye. You can diagnose mites by recognising:-

- Hair loss / bald patches
- Excessive itching (scratching for more than just a few seconds)
- Sores / scabs
- Pimples / bumpy skin

Skin scrapings performed by vets to diagnose mites are not always productive, as sometimes the parasites are localised (in one area) rather than all over. Treatment should involve 2-3 injections 7-10 days apart.

Lice are usually small black, brown or white specks throughout the hair. Symptoms are as above with the extra bonus of being able to see them. They usually look like tiny grains of rice and you may even see them moving slowly along the hair. They are often located nearer the roots of the hairs rather than the ends.

Hope I answered your question how you were expecting me to!

- Laura