Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Guinea pig appears to have something stuck in her throat.

Guinea pig appears to have something stuck in her throat.

21 13:43:02

My guinea pig started,well it's hard to explain, sort of like retching, but not quite. She looks like she's trying to bring something up and is moving her mouth open wide in attempt to get something out of her mouth.

I've looked inside her mouth but I can't see anything, she does it about every 5 minutes or so.. I'm really worried about her.

How do you suggest I help her?

I can't take her to the vet right now because it's almost midnight..

She's really alert still and wants to have a run around on the floor, I don't want to go to bed and leave her like it incase the worst happens.. :(

Hopefully you are available now to answer this question.

Thank you so much.


sorry that this has taken so long to answer, i have been at work

hopefully this is finding you with your guinea pig fine and well,

all i can suggest is the contact an emergency vet, most places in the uk have them, if your pet is still alive then i would recommnd if you havn't already booking an appointment today with your current one.

sorry i hadn't got back to you sooner