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Guinea Pig is Sick

21 13:44:09

My guinea pig is very sick. He doesn't want to eat and he is breathing heavily. He also has diareah and discharge from his nose what can I do or give him. I dont have money to take him to the vet so I was looking for alternatives. He doesnt want to move either.

As much as I would love to be able to give you something magical that would turn this around I'm afraid I honestly do not.  What you are describing is a very seriously ill pig. The heavy breathing is symptomatic of pneumonia. The diarrhea and nasal discharge means that his little guy is gravely ill.

I would give anything to have an alternative for you that would make a difference, but it would be irresponsible for me to tell you that there is a holistic treatment for him at this stage. As serious as you describe his condition I honestly doubt that even a vet could do anything for him at this point.

I am so very sorry I can't make this go away.