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Strange problem with guinea pig

21 14:42:16

My aging female guinea pig (6 years old) has a very weird and unpleasant problem. She suddenly developed a protrusion which seems to be hanging out of her anal or vaginal area. It is a round brownish red ball-like object a little smaller than a golf ball and she is dragging it behind her. Besides her aging symptoms like cateracts and thin hair she is doing OK and even with this object she is eating and acting pretty well. What can this be? Could it be an extruded organ? What can be done? She is too old to undergo any traumatic procedures. Thanks for your help.

Hello Jeff and sorry for the late response,

The growth sounds like a hemroid (sp?). There is no way to treat this condition other than surgery (if it is as far gone as it sounds). You can "try" soaking the GP in warm water with some Epsom/Mineral Salts. This will soothe the GP and soften the extrusion. You may be able to push it (gently) back up into the anus with your finger and some K&Y jelly after it decreases in size and hardness.

I would, however, take your pet to a exotic/GP expert vet.

Thanks and good luck,