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Baby guinea pigs

21 13:39:20

Hi my guinea pig just had babys a week ago and I check on them every day and today I checked on them and one of the baby's is bleeding from the bottom and another one dosent move much it almost looks like it's paralyzed in some way and they both look like they r trying to poop but it won't come out... there are three all together and the other one is just fine can u help me figure this out...

I am guessing that they each have an intestinal blockage from something they have eaten. Although they will eat pellets at this age they're still not mature enough to eat everything that mom eats.

You need to look at what you may have given mom. Are you giving her veggies? There are some things even she should not eat such as celery, cabbage or anything with excessive fiber. Be sure you are feeding guinea pig pellets and not rabbit food. Her pellets should be a good quality pellet and not the bags from the grocery store such as those with all the colored fruit loops and colored bits in them. Those are put there to entice the buyer, not the guinea pigs.

The second consideration is trauma.

I need to ask if the father is in the cage with mom and babies? If he is you need to remove him now! The mother comes into heat within hours of delivery. A baby sow can come into their first heat as young as two weeks old. If the boar is with them he will try to breed them. That can sometimes cause injury to the babies.

If your babies are showing such severe signs of illness they may not survive. I wish I had an answer for you that would give you some kind of hope, or way to reverse this, but without more information I'm afraid I am limited.