Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My guinea pig has lumps

My guinea pig has lumps

21 13:49:32

I just got my Texel guinea pig from my 4-h leader last week Friday he is four years old.and while I was giving him a bath Saturday I could feel 2 or 3 hard lumps in hi abdomen area they could move around and i felt almost like how a pregnant females abdomen would be. I cant seem to find out what they are I need HELP!!!!! Please
           Thank You
             La'trice Allen

well dont rule out that it is a pregnent female. otherwise the only likly thing is either tumor cells or excrement or some sort of bodily cmposition that has compacted inside of the piggy. check to see if it is not a female, and if it is not then it needs to see a vet, only an xray could determine what is inside.