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Guniea Pig Sick/Pregnant

21 13:48:57

Hi, I am worried about my little girl's guinea pig. We got her in January and up till a couple days ago she was doing just fine. Now she's doing very little of anything. We aren't much educated with the animal and don't know what to do. I am hoping she will be okay till tomorrow and I can get off work in time to get her to the Vet. Our own Vet doesn't handle that small of an animal. Anyway, I gave her fresh food Tuesday and she's ate maybe half of it and it doesn't look as though she's drank any water for almost a day. She kind of just sits in her cage and in the corner or something. My daughter thought that maybe she might be pregnant because she had taken her to her friends house around a month ago and she has a male and they said that her was on top of her and other things happen or at least tried to take place. She's only 11 yrs. old. I can't tell anything. My daughter says she's gotten bigger, but I can't see it and I don't feel anything when I put my fingers on her belly, although she doesn't care for me doing that. Her teats don't look any bigger or like they are growing. I think she is sick, unless she is getting ready to have them and real soon and they lose their appetite some just before. But all the information I have found says that they eat right up to the day. When she was eating good she was excited and when I gave her food and everything. Okay, you have the story, could you email us back and let us know what you think and if I can help her myself or should get to a Vet asap.

Thank you,
Jennifer and Janette

The gestation period for a guinea pig is 70 days. Just because there was mounting doesn't necessarily mean she got pregnant then. If it was only a month ago you wouldn't feel anything different about her. It's during the three or four weeks before delivery you see the belly enlargement.  However, many times a sow can be carrying just one baby and not look pregnant at all. The teats can look normal until delivery, unlike a dog that builds up that milk supply before their pups are born.

If she's eating at all that's a good sign. Generally the sow begins drinking more water during the last month or so. You won't feel movement until she's about two weeks from delivery. Lying around not wanting to move much might also be weather related. When they are very ill they put their head in the corner and won't come out. Then you know you have a real sick pig.

A day without water doesn't necessarily mean anything as they don't always drink the same amount every day. Again, the temperature makes the difference. Like us, if it's hot we want more fluid. If it's cooler, not so much.  

The key is always the appetite. If she will eat lettuce and carrots she may just be responding to warm lazy days. If she's refusing food, a vet is needed.

Let's hope this is just a lazy behavior because of the weather. But it does sound like maybe a trip to the vet might be indicated just to be sure.