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breed types

21 14:18:29

I've been trying to find out what breed my guinea pigs are. 1 because im interested and 2 because my females pregnant and im trying to second guess what the babies will look like.But i cant find any breed description that looks like my 2.She sounds similar to an American crested as she is ginger in colour with a white crest but she also has a white chest.He is long haired like a Peruvian but has the swirls like a abysynian, he's a mixture of tan and white.Are they a mixed breed like you get in dogs? So any ideas what breed they are? And will the babies look like mum or dad or a mixture of both?


It sound like you female is a Crested Guinea Pig. In other words her mother could have been a American Crested and her Father a Tortoiseshell Crested Guinea Pig or visa versa, which would give her the look of an American Crested Guinea Pig but with a white chest. But she is for sure a Crested Guinea Pig. :)   

Your Male is what is known as a long haired Abyssinian. Which means both his parents could have been long Haired Abyssinian or one could have been an Abyssinian and the other a Peruvian, or one of the other long haired Guinea Pigs.   

Your female through would be considered a mixed breed no matter that both her parents where Crested. And your male would be considered a mix breed if both his parents where not long haired Abyssinian Guinea Pigs.

The babies will look like a mixture of both, though some could look more like mom and the others look more like dad. But the most likely out come would be that they take after both parents and be a mixture of the two.

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