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Aggressive behavior, shedding

21 14:08:23

we have had our beloved  cavy Milkshake since mid-December.  He was about 4 weeks old.  After the initial timidity, he warmed up to our kids.  Over the last 2 weeks, however, he has become markedly more aggressive.  He does not like to come out of his cage to play and when he is out, he tried to run off and does not like to be touched.  Today, he bit my daughter pretty hard (through the fingernail).  I have also noticed that he has been shedding more in the last few weeks.

Could this be the result of maturity?  Is there something else we should be looking for?  e would like to keep him in the family, but do not want more bites!


Hi Terri

Piggies dont bite out of aggression so we have to look for a deeper reason.

Based on what you have told me, I think there is a good chance Milkshake is suffering from a skin condition, probably mites which means touching will be very painful to him, henc the biting and shedding.

I would advise you to get this possibility checked by the vet and if mites are present, ivermectin will be given as treatment.
