Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > baby guinea with lisp

baby guinea with lisp

21 13:48:58

We recently discovered a litter of pigs from what was supposed to be 2 female pigs. They are now 4 wks old and for the past couple of days the one seems to be wet under his chin.  Ever since he started squealing he has sounded like he has a lisp.  I am getting concerned over his health since he has been wet under the chin.  I thought the lisp was cute but now Im not so sure and I am hoping there is nothing wrong.

It's possible he has a cleft palate. This does occur in guinea pigs, not frequently but it does happen. I had a baby with a cleft palate born in my caviary. He only survived for about six weeks as they have trouble eating and swallowing. If you can open his mouth you can see the palate clearly.

If that's the case you may see milk or food coming out his nose when he eats. The teeth are sometimes malformed making it difficult to chew. The result is drooling and a wet chin.

If you're not sure you might take him to a vet to be examined.

A lisp in the true sense is caused by speaking with the tongue touching the teeth rather than the teeth touch top and bottom when speaking. I'm not sure that's an accurate description of a guinea pig because they don't speak. That's why I'm wondering if you mean a funny noise because of the palate.

If I'm wrong please forgive me. I've never heard a pig with a lisp before. In either event it might be best to have him looked at by a professional who could do a proper exam.