Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > A couple of questions

A couple of questions

21 14:46:06

We just got our first guinea pig, it is a male.  The pet store said he is about 8 weeks old.  One question we had is can they be spayed or neutered? We are on the list at our local animal shelter to possibly adopt when one comes into the shelter however we definately do not want babies. Do you know of a rescue group in Arkansas, we tried to find a rescue pggie before we bought one but had no luck.  We also have a question about housing.  We had read that large plastic storage bins make suitable homes if they are large enough.  Our piggie is a baby and we have him in one now, large clear plastic bin.  He seems to be doing fine in it.  One article we read recommended it which is why we chose that type of housing but I have since found sites that do not recommend it.  What is your advice on using this type of housing?  

Since you are on a waiting list, it would be best to try to get a male cavy, neutering can be done, but with the wrong vet it can be deadly.

Plastic storage bins are not okay, they simply are NOT big enough and the ammonia can build up on the sides.
The best and ONLY cages that I use, and recommend are C&C cages.

visit and to find cavy rescues in your area.