Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My Guinea Pig Has Puss In His Eyes And Bottom

My Guinea Pig Has Puss In His Eyes And Bottom

21 14:18:29

When i went to check my guinea pig i noticed he had puss or some sort of liquid on his  bottom and white crust around his eyes, he was fine yesterday he seems a bit dopey and is just curled up in the corner of his run i recently put him with my daughters rabbit which is a male aswell but they get on perfectly because we put them together a lot before we moved the guinea pig into the rabbits hutch.He has been in that hutch for a while now though.
please help
Mnay thanks

Hello Lisa,

Guinea Pigs really should not be housed with rabbits because of possible injury (among other things). That is possibly the cause of his current situation. I would suggest seperating them even though they seem to get along fine. Bunnies sometimes hurt piggies on accident. I would advise a vet trip. Puss generally indicates infection and he will likely require antibiotics for treatment. It could also be totally unrelated to your rabbit as well and he may just have the infection, but he should still see a vet.
