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what is needed to know about traveling/one week with one boar

21 14:34:58

we have had our guinea pig one year this is our first trip away- we will spend one day getting to location 3 days there and then one day returning.  He has small travel cage and also a playpen we can take.  He is very close to us and we feel no one will take good enough care as we will while the dogs will be kenneled we feel he MIGHT?  be happier with us?  Can you tell me pros and cons- he will take water from a dropper if I find he is not drinking enough.

I've found it very fun to travel with a guinea pig. You sometimes have people who will walk up to you and ask you what they are. You can get into some really good conversations with people, if you enjoy people LOL. I think it'd be fine for you to travel with him. I used to drag my guinea pigs with me EVERYWHERE I went. It took them a couple of hours to get acclimated to their new surroundings, but once they did, we had so much fun. The pros to travelling with a guinea pig are you get to  be around your pet, you have a piece of home and familiarity with you, and if you have a bad day, you have at least one person who wants to see you. You also know he is being taken care of properly (my boyfriend's mother starved one of my guinea pigs because she didn't check on her for the duration while I was gone :( ) I'm still not over that one...I'd have to say that's the best pro I can think of. You know your pig will be alive when you get home! Some of the cons are your guinea pig may not acclimate to the surrounding very well, you may not have enough time or be too busy to give him adequate attention, he may not like travelling, the place where you're staying may not like the idea of guinea pigs, and your guinea pig may not like being left all day if you're frequently at home. I'd honestly have to say it's worth while to travel with your guinea pig if you have the time to do what you do at home. Actually, someone on here had a bad experience with letting a friend take care of their pig. He got sick with pneumonia, and he died. By the time she had gotten home, he was too far gone. Tips for happy travelling: Keep cage out of direct sun. Bring a blanket, sheet, or towel to cover cage and make pig feel secure. Clean cage the night before you leave, or bring resources to change it. Bring a surplus of food, hay, treats, and bottle water. Stop frequently (every time you need to stop at a rest stop) let your pig stretch his legs (if you have time) put the playpen down and keep him away from where dogs soil. Hold and pet him frequently, but advisably not while driving unless you try and test this out BEFORE the trip. He could flip out and accidentally wind up under the break pedal, or nibble a cord or wire. NEVER under any circumstances put your pig in the trunk or the hood of the car (I know you already know this, but there are stupid people who do that and then they don't know why their pig is dead). Try to keep noise to a minimum in the car (no blaring stereo, no fighting and no screaming). NO SPEEDING. The sound of the engine and car may not scare you, but to an animal that isn't used to it, it's absolutely terrifying. Also, your guinea pig may not be used to highway speeds. Try to avoid potholes,and rough patches of road. Pay attention to your pig frequently during the trip. Do this, and all should be well :) I'm wishing you luck and fun on your trip. A lifetime of health happiness and love to you all. If you have any more questions feel free to ask, and remember, to cherish your pig. :)