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My Gp Bella

21 13:51:23

Thank you for answering my question. I woke up this morning and went and picked some grass for my piggy. She didn't come to the cage door like she always does, and so I lifted up her house. She had passed away in her sleep. I miss her so much and want to know if maybe the wait loss and hair loss were a sign of old age death? I feel so bad for not getting help sooner. She was eating and drinking fine, acting normal. Besides her losses, I noticed nothing else. Does this mean she died of old age and not a sickness? I appreciate the help!
-Mary Lee

Hello Mary Lee,
I am sorry for your loss. Heaven has obviously gotten another angel. I hope you feel better soon as I know just how difficult a loss of a GP can be, and the loss of there special love only us guinea pig lovers know.
It does not sound like an old age death. Old age deaths are usually long and horrifying to watch.  Perhaps she might have died of mites or a parasite. Weight loss and hair loss are very common and the problem is that they can lead to what seems like limitless diagnoses. I think that if you do some searching and look up a few possibilities, one will stick out to you. I know that as her owner and care giver, you will know.