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21 14:05:53

Hello. First, let me start off by saying, I am very novice and naive about guinea pigs. I am a 43 year old mother, who is just now experiencing the joy of having them!  Our first guinea pig, Fred,was brought home by my 16 year old daughter about 6 months ago. He was purchased at a large franchise pet store.  We thought it comical at first that he appeared to be ticklish through his sadle area on his back.  However, this has progressed to a very sensitive area, very itchy, that when inappropriately touched, can send him into a squirming frenzy.  There is no hair loss, and only a minimal amount of scabbing that results from his trying to "bite the itchy area".  There are no other areas on his body, only this small band across the back, just behind the shoulder blades.  When this is the only area affected on a pig, is it indictative of a particular condition?  I searched my local pet supply store, and could not find any shampoos that seemed appropriate. I ultimately have bathed him in a shampoo for cats that kills fleas and lice, and purchased an anti itch spray also for cats (my thought is that cats lick themselves, and whatever is safe for  cats should be safe for other critters that do the same).  I have also changed out the shavings my daughter has been using in the cage for a paper type material, thinking there may be an allergy/sensitivity going on.  Am I doing the right things? Is there something else I should be looking for or doing to make sure I keep Fred comfy and itch free?  And, do I need to take precautions with his new friend/cagemate, Little Bear, who has recently come to live with us?  I do appreciate your help.

Hi Janice,

If it seem's like flea killer isnt working I would think the condition could be a scratch that has become infected or even just a scratch that hasnt become infected. Take him to a vet to double check and for the medicine. An infection isnt a good thing for a guinea pig since they are small. It may of been in a fight with little bear since 2 males who havent been brought up together since birth will fight. Hope this helps.