Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > LOADS OF STUFF


21 14:41:00

hi, i just have a few questions.

1. My guinea pigs poop and pee SOOOO MUCH! is that because i feed them vegetables twice a day? because the guinea pigs at my work dont poop as much as the ones i have at home, but the ones at work dont get vegetables (i work at a petstore).

2. One of my guinea pigs hasnt been very active lately.  She just sits in her igloo and doesn't seem to be herself.  She is still eating and drinking, but I'm not sure what is wrong with her.  Any suggestions?

3. How can i entertain my piggie's more? They don't get played with that much, because when i try they just sit there and run away (they arent very timid though, i have socialized them alot). what are some ways to make them play?

thats it..please write back thankyou.

Hi Matt I will answer you questions in number order.

1. I would give them one meal of fruit and veggies in the morning and one of dry food for the night. Piggies do poo a lot tho, you just need to make sure they r firm pellets. Any diorreah means they could be badly ill.

2. Keep an eye on her and check her for any obvious injuries. If she is eating ok tho, all is probabaly well.

3. Because you have 2 piggies they can entertain each other, but you might wanna try giving them tubes to run through and things to nibble on.
