Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my little piggy *ok not so little* ;)

my little piggy *ok not so little* ;)

21 14:23:19

I have a few questions. 1. what are good things to entertain a piggy. mine is not so active. 2. should i get her a friend? she is about 3 years old. How and when should i enter-duce a new friend. Should it be male or female? Will age be a factor in getting a new piggy? And what size house should they have. I want what it best for Moe (yes moe is a girl) she was named by my Brother-in-law when he gave her to my daughter. It fit her. Then i noticed that moe was not a boy but a girl. By then the name stuck with her. She has a nice personality likes to talk to you when you rub her back. It is a cute little chatter. Well i hope you can help me. Thank You

Hi Heidi

1. Anything that Moe can chew, hide in or run through will be welcomed I am sure. My piggies have a plastic igloo that they love.

2. Adding one female to another is usually trouble free so if you added a 2nd pig it should definately be a female. you may encounter a small amount of dominance from one pig but this usually settles down after a few days. There is no need to add a friend unless Moe is obviously lonely.

The bigger house the better basically.

Please feel free to write back if you need anything clarified.

Good luck to you and Moe,

Andy, Barney, Alfie, and Fraser