Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > 2 boars together

2 boars together

21 13:48:49

QUESTION: Back again :)  I could tell that my guinea pig was getting lonely lately - he had been whining if I didn't constantly give him attention (it didn't seem that the whining was due to any other factors).  So I decided to try and get him a cage mate.  My cavy is about 5 months, and the new one is about 1 year old.  I introduced them in a large blanket in my living room, which is nowhere near my cavy's cage so it should be pretty neutral territory.  My guinea pig tends to want to be the dominant one, and while the other doesn't seem to mind being submissive, my original guinea pig won't leave the other one alone!  I put them together yesterday around 1:00pm and left them in a large enclosed area until around 12:00am.  I even bathed them together.  My first guinea pig finally calmed down for a little while, and they were even cuddling together under a towel (at least it looked like it).  Every once in a while he would show typical male dominant behavior, but he did not appear to be injuring the other one.  When I went to bed, I put a partition in between them and put their hidey houses right next to each other, so they would be forced to be near each other all night, while not being able to injure each other.  
   Today, when I removed the partition, my dominant piggie was on full force again, especially when veggies came into the picture.  He was mounting the new one and rumblestrutting a lot.  It kinda looked like he even nipped the new one.  While the new one seemed to whine a lot, I did not see any injuries or missing hair.  Still, I was nervous so I put up the partition again after this went on for about an hour.  
 Anyway, I know people have different opinions on the matter, but do you think that I should leave the partition up, at least for now?  (I recorded their introduction if you would like me to send you that).  Also, and I know it will be hard to answer this question as you haven't seen my piggies, but do you think my piggie will still be happier living next to the new one vs. living alone and being by himself all day?  Thank you soooo much for your help!

ANSWER: Always nice to 'see' you again!  

I'm one of those people who don't think the gradual introductions work. My experience has been just like yours, keep them apart and they seem fine. Take down the barrier and they start their push and shove thing all over again. Each time you repeat the process the same thing occurs.
It's one step forward and two steps back.  I think it has to do with territory. When they're separated by wire each has his own territory. Put them together and they are going to dispute who will be the top dog.

I've found the best way to get the transition over is to put them together and leave them there.

Of course this is assuming there is no blood being drawn. It's easier when you have one younger boar that is okay with be 2nd in command. In wild animal herds or packs there is always an alpha and an omega, the omega being the last. They are not allowed to eat until everyone else does, they are the last to be given a spot to sleep, etc.  It seems to work fine for them.

The pig pushing and shoving will sometimes go on for three or four days, then the boss hog gets bored with it and it stops.

My suggestion is to put them together now and leave them alone. I sounds to me like the new guy is willing to follow the rules set by the boss, so it should be a fairly easy transition.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you you have been so much help and so understanding and polite! So there's is an update - I moved them up into the cage and they went crazt - it looked like each got a small tuft of hair ripped out (although the skin doesn't look injured/broken).  So I put up the barrier in the cage so they don't kill each other.  Do you have an opinion as to whether I should leave it like that, return the new one, or something else.  Again, your help is very much appreciated!

Well darn it. If you really feel you want to have two boars together you might see if you can get a baby. No matter what the age of the pig you have now they always seem to enjoy the babies. Or you could just keep the barrier between them and enjoy the two separately. I'm afraid this is one you're going to have to decide.  

Your five month old just may be too threatened by the older pig. They can still touch noses and know each other is there, but they just may not come to terms with a 'lease with option' to live together. What a shame you don't live in Southern Calif.  I have a little Teddy boar that will be leaving his mom this week.  He'd be perfect.

You have to watch out though, cause guinea pigs don't breed like rabbits but they seem to have a way of multiplying in the household. Like potato chips you can't have just one. They're infectious little creatures that have a way a wiggling right into your arms.

Check around and see if you can find a young one. If he's about 20-24 oz. that's perfect. So stop by anytime and I'll fill your basket with little furry goodies.