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Female cage mates fighting

21 14:05:28

I have 2 gunieas both female. Mia is about 6-8 months old and Sophi is 4-6 months old.Sophi is smaller than Mia.  Sophi had a cold we took her to the vet and got ABX for her.They told us to seperate them to monitor Sophi's eating better. So we did, Sophi went to the smaller cage and Mia stayed in the larger one. They've been apart for 10 days now. So last night we cleaned out the big cage, let them play in the floor for a while and they did okay.  We put them back in the big cleaned cage togther and Mia has been chasing Sophi around and when she catches her she bites her fur out making her squeak.  I had to leave for work this morning and I put Mia in the smaller cleaned cage so that they wouldn't hurt each other.  What do I do now?

Make sure you are with them when you put them together,watch them, and make sure you re-introduce them slowly, until they are happy with each other.
Mia just didn't like Sophi being back in her cage, when they had been apart for so long, you shouldn't have put Sophi back into Mia's territory so quickly!

Make sure you do it slowly and monitor them, they will be fine in no time!
