Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Problems re: older pigs when new ones introduced

Problems re: older pigs when new ones introduced

21 14:46:11

Hi, Katie!

I have a problem.  I rescued 3 pigs from a rescue centre 2.5 years ago.  All were boars - dad plus 2 offspring - and all were neutered.  However, I noticed an 8 week old Sheltie boar in a pet store yesterday and fell in love (don't usually buy from pet stores but the one I go to is really clean and lovely).  I bought him after discussing with the shop assistant whether he would be ok with my 2 remaining lads (dad died last year).  She said that it should be ok but put something strong smelling at the base of the neck and rear of each pig before putting the little one in and that should be ok.  This I did and things were ok throughout the night (I have them in an indoor cage until it gets warmer).  However problems started this morning with the two brothers each claiming dominance which they had never done before - it got to the point where they were really fighting and I had to separate them.  I am now left with one in the outside cage on his own and the other brother and new Sheltie are inside.  My son has just bought another youngster who is also a boar leaving me with 3 inside who are getting on just fine and my poor Buddy outside on his own.  I dare not put him in with the others until I get some advice.  Please can you help?  If I have to keep them in separate cages then of course I will but it seems such a shame  .......  

You should NEVER just through mulitple boars in a cage right after you get them, or any cavies for that matter. You need to do it slowly, and the size of the cage has alot to do with it. Is your cage at least a 2x5, preferably 2x6?
Please go to this website and follow the steps to properly introducing cavies.

Go to to learn about proper housing.