Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > guinea pig fell, injured

guinea pig fell, injured

21 13:44:42

QUESTION: I am away from home and my housesitter told me my beloved guinea pig fell off a table about 28" high onto carpet, let out a shriek and was dragging her legs, a couple hours later and next day (today) she can put weight on her legs but doesn't want to and is laying with hind legs splayed out to the side, normal appetite, normal pooping, not as energetic as usual but not dopy....I am extremely worried about her, esp. since I am not there, I am having them take her to a vet to be checked out but I don't trust all vets and since I can't be there is there anything to look out for, I assume they might prescribe some anti-inflation drugs is this ok? From what I described to you think she will regain full dexterity and use of her legs? thank you so much, super worried about my little dear...

ANSWER: This may be nothing more than a soft tissue injury that may resolve itself in a short time. I've seen pigs take falls even farther than that and manage to get through it with little or no injury. The fact that she is eating and drinking normally is a good sign that she's probably not in pain. There may be some discomfort of course, but if she were really in pain she would show it by not eating.

I think she will very likely get better on her own and will regain the use of her legs and be as good as new. Be very cautious about giving her any medication as there are many things they just don't tolerated. Sometimes it's best to just let them be and heal by themselves in a situation like this.

Please do keep me posted on her progress. I know you're heartsick at the thought that she's suffering, but you may be worrying more than you need to.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Great thank you! I did take her to a vet and we did xrays and no broken bones, the vet prescribed Meloxicam an anti inflammatory and pain reducer, do you feel it is safe to give her and what would your recommended dosage be, just want to get an alt. opinion as I don't trust all vets with meds....thanks again so much:) Sean

Meloxicam is an anti inflammatory/pain medication as is generally well tolerated in animals. I personally would wait and see how she does on her own and not give it unless you really feel she needs it. Animals won't sometimes show their pain openly. If she acts like she doesn't want to move or squeals in pain if touched then by all means give it to her. But in most cases the best medicine is the lease medicine.

I'd let her rest and recuperate in her own time. I think she will do well.