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weght loss

21 14:07:18

i have a 4 yr old neutered male guinea pig.  about six months ago, i noticed that he started to lose weight.  he
normally weighed in about 1100 grams but is now down to 900 grams.  he doesn't display any symptoms of any illness.  he has a real good appetite consisting of vit c fortified pellets, a variety of lettuce, cucumber, carrots and fruit(although he doesn't seem to touch fruit as much as before).  he always has hay available, but he doesn't eat as much as before.  but nevertheless, he seems active
and has a good appetite.  sometimes i wonder where all the food he eats ends up, since he doesn't seem to gain any weight.  i just started him on liquid vit c supplement of
.3 ml.  do you think this might help?  i'd appreciate any
suggestions.  thank you.

Hi Hideo,

Weight loss is often of concern in guinea pigs as it can hint at serious udnerlying conditions. However, as his weight loss has been gradual, and is in line with him eating less hay and fruit, I would think that it is simply part of his getting older. A vitamin c supplement in his water will ensure that he stays healthy and gets all the goodness he needs. Just keep a closer eye on him now he's starting to get old, as he will not recover from any illnesses he does develop as easily as he has before, so they need to be caught and treated early.

I hope you have a few more happy years together.

If you have any other questions ... just ask!
