Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Tame?


21 14:44:51

My 3 year old son has a guinea pig named "peanut". We've had him since he was about 6 weks old. Now he has become really snippy. I was cleaning out his cage about 10 minutes ago ans he tried to nibble on my finger. Anything I should do? I don't want him to bite my son.

Hello Lesly.

How long have you had him?  There could be quite a few reasons. With your son being so young and having a guinea pig, do you ALWAYS monitor him when he's holding the pig. Does he "play" with the guinea pig when your not watching him. Is the piggies in your sons room?  He could become snippy if he's not being properly handled (that's why i asked the questions). If this could be the reason, i would suggest not keeping a pig in your son's room. Make sure to always watch your son while he's handling the pig. He could be getting rough without you knowing. Guinea pigs should never be left in a young childs room because you never know what could happen.

Is he older? You have had the piggy since he was very young. With lots of handling, he should be used to your family and be tamed (although there are some piggies that can be crabby and mean). That's not too common though, because as long as you give the pig some lap time and love time every day, he should be friendly by now. Is he (after having had him for some time) all of a sudden becoming mean?  That could mean that there is a problem. Maybe he's suffering from something you can't see. A pig in pain (or that has been in pain) can result to being unfriendly from being in pain. That's why i'm wondering how long you have had him. If he's still young, i would give him a chance. Guinea pigs are used to being low on the food chain, so can become defensive if they are still unsure that your safe to be around. Do you hold the piggy enough?

The reason he would "nibble" on a finger is most likely from a smell of food on your finger. My most friendly guinea pig will sometimes try and nibble is she is smelling something. Sometimes it's a lick that turns into a nibble because it's just in the way. Sometimes, it's a form of affection.

Does your piggy have a good atmosphere? Is the cage large enough with some toys inside to keep the pig busy?  Guinea pigs do become bored and can get restless if they are not stimulated enough in their surroundings. If you need some advice in this area, let me know and i can give you some ideas.

Hope this helps.