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Pregnant guinea strange colour wee

21 14:16:22

At the moment I have 2 pregnant piggies in different cages. A couple of days
ago i saw some orange colour urine in one of the pigs cage. A second ago i was
watching the other cavy and she was sitting in the same place for a while...when
she moved she had peed but it had a VERY orangy colour to much so it
stained the vet bed ive been keeping them on...I am wondering if this is a sign
of near birth or of something a lot worse?? Please help asap!!


It is a signs of labor getting near, if she isn't moving a lot and is just plopped in one spot, refusing to move for anything and looks like she has the hiccups get ready cause she is going to have them soon.

If the orangy color gets any darker take her to the vet as something could be wrong with her or the babies.

I hope this helps and that everything goes fine for your Guinea Pigs.
  Take care now,