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males together and sexing babies

21 14:19:39

hi. i have a 10 month old male and was wanting another male to keep him company. what age would be best? also i have 3 babies and i am having great difficulty sexing them i tried looking for the little lump that males have but cant fint but still not 100 they girls.many thanks.sarah.x.  


Another male anywhere from 6 weeks and 10 months old would be great. They should get along with each other fine as they will both be close in age. So getting another male is a great idea.

You really can't sex babies easily until there are about 6 weeks old. But if your still having trouble you can ask the vet. As they have a trained eye for these things. Even at 6 weeks it is still a little difficult to tell, they say you can sex them at 3 weeks old but I find that it is difficult.

Hope this helps you out.
             Take care now,