Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > guniea pig

guniea pig

21 13:50:56

My gunieapig just lost its tooth will it grow back and can it still eat? Worried as my kids just lost 1 guniea pig dont want another to pass away. Please help if you can. Thanks

Hello Carol!
Well, I dont have any personal expierience but I have had some people on this site telling me about there giunea pigs loosing 1/8 teeth and being fine. I suggest cutting up vegetables smaller, giving more of the sorter vegetables (lettuce instead of carrots, you know?), and buying giunea pig food with smaller peices apposed to all pellets and checking his tooth once a day for infection or bleeding. Also track down whatever broke the tooth and if you can then get rid of it to prevent future damage.