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Guinea pig Lumps

21 13:51:47

Hi, I have had a female guinea pig for about 3 years and last week I noticed that she was not eating her timothy hay and not drinking her water, she was also not active and stayed in her house. Yesterday I was cleaning her cage and I picked her up and she had a huge lump on her neck/head and it was hard, but she didn't squeak or anything when I touched it. My parents don't want to pay for surgery or anything above $40.

Well just walking into the vets costs $50-$60 so they have to. Say you wont eat, cry, scream, fail a test by writing guinea pig under every question! I did that last one 7 years ago, works like a charm ;). I don't think surgery will be an option, it would require putting her under and that alone could kill her. The lump on her side could be a sebaceous cyst. I would tell that to the vet if he doesn't rule that out. It could also be an abscess. It is best to seek a vet's care and you may want to have his teeth checked. Abscesses on the chin and neck are usually the result of tooth problems. Treatment for an abscess is often draining the abscess, flushing the abscess, and possibly a round of antibiotics. Do all of this ONLY WITH A VETS HELP. I am very worried about this not eating and drinking, ask the vet about this to, most likely has to do with teeth and is VERY SERIOUS. And remember, "Mom! Dad! This is a living creature, my BEST FRIEND! I cant possibly think you would want her to suffer! Please take me to the vets with her! I love you!" ;).

Thanks for asking!