Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Drinks?


21 14:04:17

Hey I just saw a video on youtube where some owners fed their guinea pigs orange juice. Is it safe to let your piggies drink orange juice? Freshly squeezed and/or bottled ones? Or any other kind of drinks? Cause I know that my piggies would love to.

Hi Emma,

No - fruit is very acidic, and you should restrict your piggies to two portions a week. It can cause mouth ulcers, scabs and sores if your piggies get too much. They do need a diet high in vitamin c, but you can give them this by feeding them carrots and brocolli.

They can only drink water, and make sure you give them a fresh bottle-full every day. For certain illnesses, diluted cranberry or pineapple juice can help them - but not neat, and not unless they've got the particular illnesses it aids.

Hope this helps.

If you need to know anything else - just ask.
