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Piggie unwell

21 13:49:13

Hi, I have had 11 Guinea in all, 2 died of old age and both developed lumps; however today I have noticed that one of my eldest is not well but doesn't have any lumps. She is breathing normally but her fur seems puffed up; she seems to want to be on her own and feels a lot more weaker/floppy when I hold her, I have also noticed that her bottom part feels very damp and when I had a look it appears that there is a runny white discharge present, however it is difficult to tell which area it is coming from. I am hoping to take her to a vet but am wondering if it could possibly be a UTI; if so could my other ones catch it and what measures should I take to prevent it in the future? She is about 4/5 years old, could it just be old age? I would really appreciate your advice, Gemma

First of all Gemma, I'm very sorry your baby is ill. Let me assure you that urinary tract infections are not contagious so no, your other pigs will not catch it from one another.

Four to five years is an average lifespan for a guinea pig. Your description of "weaker/floppy when you hold her" gives me the impression that she is just getting ready to cross the Rainbow Bridge. A UTI doesn't usually affect them in this way. It causes painful urination (as it does in us) but doesn't cause this kind of behavior unless it's so far out of control that it's lethal.

The discharge, wetness, etc. all seems to happen near the end when they've lost the function of internal organs. Some animals, like people, will have longer lives than others. I had a friend who had guinea pig for 14 years. I've also lost some to 'old age' at 4.

I truly think this is not something that the vet will be able to change. Once they're fur is puffed and they start going limp they're just waiting for the gentle end.

I apologize for not being more upbeat and hopeful. Sometimes we just have to take life's circumstances and know what we cannot fix.