Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > entertament and holding

entertament and holding

21 14:12:19

mybaby guinea pig wont let me pick him up... and when i do he like crys to go back the same cry he did for him mom!!! how can i get him to get use to me and make him like me??? and also i bought a harness is that ok for a guinea pig to wear? how can i get him use to the harness?? sorry for so many questions



Your baby Guinea Pig is only crying cause he is still young and hasn't been handled a lot. It is going to take sometime of working with him for him to get use to you. Just keep up as your doing hold him, talk to him and sit with him, eventually he'll settle in and get use to you. It is just time that is needed and once he has a bond with you all will be fine.

It is fine for a Guinea Pig to have a harness for like little walks in the back yard where it is quiet and he can't get scared. Just remember he'll never truly walk with a harness and leash, once he sees grass he'll head for it and start chowing down.

To get him use to it is simple enough. Place it on him for about 10 minutes a day for a week, then the next week 20 minutes and so on until he can wear it for about an hour without trying to get out of it and such.

I hope this helps,
  Take care,