Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > 6 year old sick guinea pig! Help!!!

6 year old sick guinea pig! Help!!!

21 14:15:21

I think my Guinea pig is very sick!  He's eating ok, but not like usual and he's not drinking very much water at all.  I actually had to feed him water through a syringe because I was getting worried.  He seems responsive and kinda happy, but lethargic with crusty stuff around his eyes.  He was also bleeding a bit out his bum, but now it's turned into bad diarrhea.  He looks very thin and boney lately but again he is 6 years old.  I'm trying to hold off on the vet because I don't have much money.  Is he dying?  It also kinda sounds like a urinary infection.  What do I do?  I'm very worried.  Is there something I can give him?

Hi Carrie

Diarrhea accompanied with other symtoms does need to be treated seriously as it usually indicates a digestive system based infection and he will need antibiotics.

Your piggy is quite old but I see no reason, with the right treatment he can make a recovery.
