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Sick new mom

21 14:23:43

Puff is sick.  She was fine last night, ate well and looked good.  This morning she did not eat the morning veggies.  I just came back from the vet.  She has pregnecy toxemia... They have her in an incubator, and gave her a shot of glucose, calcium and is on fluid therapy.  They want to keep her over night. I don't know if you remember her, she just had four babies 11-25. And we thought we were out of the woods.  The babies are eating their fruits and veggies, but are not too interested in the pellets. (I tried to soften them in warm water) And I don't know if they are drinking from the water bottle.  (which is low enough for them to reach)  The doctor gave me some Critical Care powder for me to try on the babies.  
What are Puff's chances of pulling through this?  
And how can I help the babies?

I really want to say her chances are 50/50. I will be honest, it was good that she had the babies and then got pregnancy toxemia because not only would your chances be higher of losing the babies as well as the female. I would really try to hand feed the guinea pigs a milk supplement like KRM milk. It's a kitten replacement milk that can also be used for guinea pigs. I would put that in a bottle that you can find at most petstores and hand feed each guinea pig a few times a day. I want to give you a website that's really good for guinea pigs.
it's really good in giving you more knowledge about guinea pig diseases.