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Pregnant Guinea?

21 14:23:43

Ok, I seperated the piggies. I have indeed had her for over 70 days and after a very close view, I see that my original piggie is indeed, a male. I guess I will have to change it's name since it is not a Chloe. According to a link I followed, I think she may be due quite soon as her pelvic bones seem to have seperated. I am concerned because I am working a seasonal night job and do not get home until 1 or 2 int he morning and do not want to walk in to a horrible situation. Is there anything I can do to ensure her and the babies' well being? Also, is there any way to tell how many she may have? I put her in a smaller cage (because that is the spare cage) with bedding, an old pillowcase, some hay, a food dish and a water bottle. Is there anything else she may need?
The text above is a follow-up to ...

I have 2 guinea pigs, I was told they were both female, however, one of them has all the signs of guinea prgnancy. She is bulging out from the sides and is drinking and eating more than before. Her nipples are also larger than they used to be. I'm a little worried because I do not have any experience with breeding and never intended to! What do I do?
Hello Samantha,

First and foremost, do alot of research on piggy pregnancy before delivery so you can be well prepared. I'll include some links to get you started. Give mom plenty of food and water, extra vitamin c, and try not to handle her too much after she starts showing. If you haven't already, separate her from the male. The pups should stay with mom until they are 3 weeks old and then the boys need to be separated from their mom and sisters. They can go live with Daddy instead. If you've had them for under 70 days, you should check to confirm that the "male" is a male and that she wasn't just pregnant before you got her. I'll include a link on sexing in case you need it. The pregnancy will most likely go smoothly but leave her as little as possible. It's good to be there when they deliver if you can in case they need you. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me and I'll be glad to help.


Gender Identification


Hello Samantha,

Unfortunantly all you can do is give her hat she needs and try to keep her stress low and hope for the best. Unfortunantly you can't do anything to ensure their safety. If possible though, you could maybe have a friend or family member come over and piggysit while you are away from her. Some people can count pups by gently palpating a piggy's tummy. I'm afraid I have never mastered this art, as if it not done properly, it can be harmful to the mom and pups and I didn't feel confident enough to risk trying. You could also have an x-ray made and count the tiny skeletons but x-rays are quite expensive and stressful for the mom so unless you suspect a problem, it's probably better to just wait. The set up sounds good. I recommend leaving her with veggies high in calcium and vitamin c anytime you have to leave her. And also a bit of fruit daily (a small bit) would be good too. Hypoglycemia and hypocalcimia can cause a difficult delivery and having access to some sugars and something with calcium may help her if she starts having trouble. And of course vitamin c is always important. It sounds like you've done what you can for her and the rest is up to her. Watch her carefully and if you suspect any problems, take her to the vet straight away. Hopefully things will go smoothly and there is a very good chance they will. I'll keep her in my prayers for a smooth delivery and healthy pups. Good luck!
